State of the Multiverse

Hello there, dear blog visitor or regular reader!

I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone who's bought, put one of my books on the tbr pile, read, and reviewed any one of my works. Just knowing that the stories are out there doing some kind of work does my writer's heart good.

Thank you!

For those who are curious, here is where the Multiverse stands right now:

RawJack has moved the most copies, with Coming to Power in second place. Hero's Metal #1: How Black the Sky brings up the rear, which I'd expect given the seemingly niche heavy metal aesthetic. I may consider altering the branding of it to focus more on sword and sorcery (so as not to scare people off), though I fear that will change my artistic outlook. We'll see.

I had been hoping that I would be able to see more quickly which of the three series warranted a sequel first, but that hasn't quite worked out.

On the note of new material, Hero's Metal #2: Out of the Deep is complete but for a few gaps that need to be filled in revision. This one has been a rough road, and various factors contributed to slow my progress and create insecurity. Whenever I read through, though, I appreciate what's grown out of HM#1 and I think that many of my fears have been allayed by the passage of the months. Currently I'm planning to polish the story up and release Out of the Deep next. Those who are interested in the strange world and heroic characters of Hero's Metal will enjoy it greatly I think.

The following release should be my first YA-style novel, working title of Rattan. This one is a mashup of Academy and Survival, with a female MC that I was quite pleased with. It takes place on yet another new planet, in a future fantasy setting that may or may not have some relation to RawJack's. I need one more revision pass on Rattan and a few final proofread, and it too will be ready to go. 

I hope to have both out before the end of the year.

Several weeks ago I derailed my other plans for the year entirely with a sudden and overpowering urge to write a Knightrider-Cyberpunk-GameLit rag that took off swiftly but was slowed when I had to go back to my day job. (Any other writers out there who enjoyed the lockdown?) I would like to have this one out within a week of the release of Cyberpunk 2077, but at this point it's a really fast turnaround and I'm not sure if I'll make it. The adventures of Gun and Octavia may have to wait a little longer, but hopefully I'll surprise us!

Heading into 2021 I plan to work up the first of my true space operas, dive deeper into Arc #2 (it's already started) and knock out the rest of Hero's Metal. As intel comes in concerning the reception of the other series, I may see fit to change the order of things. If you, dear reader, have any input I'd be glad to hear it!

I have far more concepts to work up than there is time for, and so I am always looking at the possible line ups to balance fun for you and myself with marketability. That said, if I could find my way to a sustainable crowdfunding structure/sales combo, I could go full time and just write everything! I would certainly enjoy that (it's the dream, isn't it?) and I'm sure that you would too. Stay tuned.

On the financial front I am still paying for covers out of pocket, but starting with Wave 3 I would like to consider at least small crowdfunds so I can up the art budget. 

And that's about it! 

Thanks for reading, comment here or hit me up on Twitter @HabitualLevity. I'll see you in the pages!

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